
Carrageenan Iota Type

CAS number 9062-07-1

Carrageenan is a naturally-occurring family of polysaccharides extracted from red seaweed. Upon cooling and in the presence of appropriate cations, (K+, Ca2+), carrageenan polymers align themselves to form double helices. Iota carrageenan binds water and forms dry, elastic gels in the presence of calcium salts. Ca2+ ions make bonds between the carrageenan -molecules to form helices. The negative charges associated with the 2-sulphate groups on the iota carrageenan molecules do not allow the helices to aggregate to the same extent as Kappa carrageenan.

Storage condition

  • Store dry at room temperature
  • Soluble in water (hot / 5 g/l)
Filename Language File size
C1006_GB.pdf English 326 KB
C1006_NL.pdf Nederlands 142 KB
C1006_DE.pdf Deutsch 147 KB
C1006_FR.pdf Français 143 KB
C1006_ES.pdf Español 143 KB
C1006_IT.pdf Italiano 141 KB
Filename Batch number Expiry date Language
C1006_018381_GB.pdf 018381 02-2027 English
C1006_017226_GB.pdf 017226 08-2025 English
C1006_016879_GB.pdf 016879 02-2025 English
C1006_016306_GB.pdf 016306 06-2024 Expired English
C1006_017814_GB.pdf 017814 06-2024 Expired English
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  • C1006.0100
  • 100 g
  • € 25.30
  • Order
  • C1006.1000
  • 1000 g
  • € 218.70
  • Order
* All prices are ex-works Haarlem NL. Salestax, local prices and availability may vary in your region/country. Please contact our sales department or read our terms of sales.